IMP National 1999 Award Winners

This National was held at


29th JULY - 2nd AUGUST.

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Rosemary Smith Perpetual Trophy

Awarded by Club president Rosemary Smith,

Judged from the winners of each class.


 AFB 606 B

John Holloway

Hillman Imp Rally car

Best Rootes Hillman Imp (1962-68)



 XTE 600 D

Colin Rooney

Hillman Imp Super

Best Chrysler Hillman Imp (1968-76)



 JBB 795 N

Anne Donnelly

Hillman Imp Super

Best Singer



 PDU 786 G

Ewa Sozanski

Singer Chamois Coupe

Best Sunbeam



 MAL 962 K

Martin Peach

Sunbeam Stiletto

Best Husky / Van



 GRM 486 D

James Crampton

Commer van

Best Modified



 GSN 860 E

Mike Scott

Replica Police Imp

Best Imp Based  

 JBY 144 J

Graham Cashmore


Best Rally / Race  

 AFB 606 B

John Holloway

Hillman Imp Rally car

Furthest Travelled Imp



 JO 98 NW

Angelo Dallago


Sunbeam Stiletto

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