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Singer Chamois Coupe

The Singer Chamois coupe was first introduced in e.

After the Hillman Californian was introduced in January 1967, the Chamois coupe followed in April. Neither the Californian nor the Chamois coupe lived a long life. Still a Hillman Imp but the racy fast back appealed to many. They did come through the major face-lift of late 1968, but they soon fell victim to Chryslers' rationalisation policy, due to their limited sales.
October 1967 - April 1970

Random Singer Chamois Coupe Picture

Click on the Registration number to go to the page for that car..... 

1 January 1967


31  July 1967

 JHR 859 E


 JJA 675 E


 NME 659 E

 WKX 210 E

1 August 1967


31  July 1968

 JRV 257 F


 KND 236 F

Amy Clements

 LJA 184 F


 LKV 55 F



 LRD 865 F


 LKM 956 F


P4200291.jpg picture by andy697g

 LTT 592 F


 NJN 322 F


 NRR 602 F


 PNX 2 F


 PUE 826 F

 SPA 257 F


 SPE 51 F


 UMM 499 F


 VPO 445 F

1 August 1968


31  July 1969

 DVG 77 G


 EPP 16 G


 HTU 795 G


 PLV 410 G



 SVO 105 G


 THY 228 G


 VUY 68 G



 WMD 799 G


 WNN 763 G


 VPG 755 G

1st Imp04

Mike Hearn

 XPF 554 G

1 August 1969


31  July 1970

 GJK 147 H

img001.jpg picture by andy697g

 MBH 62 H


 TDG 139 H

2nd Imp05

 VKB 953 H


 XAE 590 H


 YYC 680 H


1 August 1970


31  July 1971


 ATB 363 J





(c) Andy Smith 2024