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Sunbeam Stiletto

The Sunbeam Stiletto is considered by many to be the most desirable, certainly the most sought after, Imp model. It's name probably has something to do with the existing Sunbeam Rapier, shrink a rapier and it becomes a stiletto (medieval dagger with a very slim blade, elegant and wicked).

It combined the sleek coupé lines of the Californian and the engine of the Imp Sport. The Stiletto had four headlights as standard, along with a vinyl roof (always black Leathercloth). The dashboard is the most noticeable difference with the interior. This large, black, moulded piece of engineering (peculiar only to this model) featured novel ideas such as warning lights which can be dipped for night time driving.

All Stiletto finishes have white twin coachlines - except Polar White, which has twin red.
Stiletto models only had wheels paint black. They had the Sunbeam stainless steel wheel trims as standard.

Random Sunbeam Stiletto Picture

Click on the Registration number to go to the page for that car..... 

1 August 1967


31  July 1968

 CAR 557 F


 CRO 436 F


 DMA 19 F


 JCO 414 F


 JKU 9 F


 JRS 898 F

 KER 392 F


 LWK 593 F


 MKC 188 F


 MNT 357 F



 MTT 272 F

 MSM 27 F

 NAA 776 F

 NNV 201 F


 NTT 186 F

 NUA 271F 

 NAX 970 F 

 NJU 497 F


 NUT 325 F

 OPM 274 F


 PAP 532 F


 PMK 551 F



 PNU 510 F


 PMS 923 F


 RDM 114 F


 SGP 941 F



 SFM 913 F


 SLM 784 F


 SPE 50 F


 SYV 1 F


 TMF 104 F



 TYK 507 F


 TYW 872 F

 UAB 576 F


 UGF 876 F


 UGX 434 F


 YVX 140 F

1 August 1968


31  July 1969

 CPO 444 G

 DSK 65 G


 OTE 425 G


 NSN 103 G


DSC00120.jpg picture by andy697g

 PVC 532 G


 SBL 676 G


 VPL 814 G


 VHN 220 G


 VYL 3 G

 WPG 363 G

 WYX 348 G


 XPA 175 G


 XPF 664 G


 XWJ 313 G

1 August 1969


31  July 1970

 EGC 268 H


 FDH 44 H


 RAW 629 H


 ROD 218 H


 UBC 329 H


 UVF 987 H


1 August 1970


31  July 1971

 ABL 384 J


IMG_0649.jpg picture by andy697g

 DYC 708 J


 EGJ 846 J


 EUC 485J



 KEC 658 J


 TVC 73 J


 UXG 853 J

1 August 1971


31  July 1972


 AKP 586 K


 BDU 501 K


 DOU 933 K


 FHW 34 K


 JGO 212 K



 PAP 532 F


 LGN 164 K


 MAL 962 K


 ORB 506 K



 VFV 91 K


 YRU 172 K


 WCA 18 K


 WRW 373 K


 YEL 199 K

1 August 1972


31  July 1973


1 August 1973


31  July 1974





 DR 50 83


 GZU 876


 JO 172 FE


 VIJ 8674



 59 18 RL






 66 76 GX


 71 MH 513


 71 48 RA








 72 D 836


 76 10 PN


 399 EHS 77



 MIN 377



(c) Andy Smith 2008








(c) Andy Smith 2024